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5 types of electoral manipulation

How are electoral manipulations arranged and how can we protect ourselves from them?

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Democracy Basics

Watchdog of Democracy

The media are the public's mouthpiece to prevent lawlessness, violence, pollution, discrimination, and corruption.
Democracy Basics

How do elections in Ukraine work?

Volodymyr Fesenko, head of the Penta Center for Applied Political Research, on the election process in Ukraine.
Democracy Basics

How are fakes launched on the Internet?

Ilya Yashin and Anna Litvinenko explain who is spreading disinformation and how.
Democracy Basics

5 rules for media hygiene and fact-checking

These five simple rules of media hygiene that will help to develop media literacy
Democracy Basics

How the Media Works

Political scientists and media experts on the functions of the “fourth branch” of government
Democracy Basics

Who owns the media?

Free University of Berlin experts Stanislav Klimovich and Anna Litvinenko on why we are a product of the media we consume.
Democracy Basics

What is Democracy?

Populists and autocrats often use the term democracy to mislead people and legitimize their absolute power. But what is democracy and what are its basic principles?

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