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How to make the right choice?

Politician Ilya Yashin and political scientist Stanislav Klimovich provide simple advice on how not to be deceived and vote for the right candidate.

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Democracy Basics

Don’t feed the troll!

Anna Litvinenko and Ilya Yashin on how to behave when a troll comes to your comments.
Democracy Basics

What is Democracy?

Populists and autocrats often use the term democracy to mislead people and legitimize their absolute power. But what is democracy and what are its basic principles?
Democracy Basics

On the role of the media in the state

Journalists have changed the course of history more than once, exposing corrupt schemes and shedding light on the illegal actions of politicians. The animated video presents several vivid cases.
Democracy Basics

Who owns the media?

Free University of Berlin experts Stanislav Klimovich and Anna Litvinenko on why we are a product of the media we consume.
Democracy Basics

Who elects the German government?

Stanislav Klimovich, political scientist at the Free University of Berlin, talks about elections and the formation of government in Germany.
Democracy Basics

Media literacy

What is media literacy and how does it help us to interact effectively with media, develop critical thinking, communicate and ensure active civic participation?
Democracy Basics

What are the reasons for elections in Russia?

Ilya Yashin explains how and why elections are held in Russia.
Democracy Basics

Is democracy the power of the majority?

There are many stereotypes surrounding the concept of democracy. In this animated video, we examine myths about the power of the majority, elections, minority rights, and freedom of speech.

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